The British Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic
Praha 2, Londýnská 506 / 41, 120 00
zpět na výpisThe British Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic was formed in April 1997. Since then membership has grown to over 200 companies representing a broad spectrum of British interests in the Czech Republic, from major investors to individual entrepreneurs.
The primary objectives of the Chamber are to promote and enhance business relations between the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom, to help improve the competitive and business environment in the Czech Republic, and to provide a platform for creating new business opportunities.
The Chamber works independently of the British Embassy in the Czech Republic, but maintains very good relations with the British Embassy and its Trade & Investment department.
The BCC Czech Republic has a long tradition of promoting CSR activities. The Chamber hosts educational seminars and activities for its members, and also provides a platform for members to exchange their own experiences and successes. The BCC has a long tradition of supporting charitable causes.
Praha 2, 120 00
Také by tě mohlo zajímat:
Naše speciální výběry pro milovníky městského života. Navštivte doporučené akce i místa, která stojí za to.
Teploty klesají, obliba zimních sportů stoupá. Kam v Praze na brusle? V našem článku najdete přehled nejzajímavějších míst v metropoli, kde se bruslí pod otevřeným nebem. Článek pravidelně aktualizujeme.